Wednesday 31 July 2019

How Game of Thrones uses costumes to show power

Game of Thrones: Power of Costume

With what might be one of the most iconic show created, Game of  Thrones has officially ended, weaving together 8 seasons of epic twists and turns.

 One of the most wonderful thing about the shows was their attention to detail, whether noticed by audiences or not. With focus on their costumes and jewellery that reflect and enhance character their plot lines. 

In season 2 when Daenerys had gone to Qarth, to seek alliances she still had relatively little power over the Lord's but she had 3 baby dragons and that potentially made her powerful.

Daenerys Targaryen Qarth Dress

Her clothing here is delicate, flowing and luxurious appropriate to the region, it has an intricate and delicate metal bodice and shoulders, This look emphasises the position of  her character at the time, who was still seeking power and had the potential for great power but also showing  the delicate nature of her position, power and her self.

We see this same look shift dramatically after she gains power, conquering more territory with her now grown dragons.
Her clothing takes on more a sculptural look, defined by armor like quality, it's high shoulders and neckline emphasize that she trying to guard herself.

Daenerys Season 8