Wednesday 24 April 2019

Functions of jewellery: Status and Social Identity

Jewellery is a universal form of adornment. Metcalf [1998] regards jewellery as," a body of objects, emanating from almost every known society since the beginning of culture." hence, "one of the most important purposes of jewellery, is to mark social identity and either distinguish or merge the wearer with social groupings" as he would describe it.

Hairnet, Front Medallion., bearing a bust of Aphrodite, Goddess of Love.
 In her book (Style and Function in Roman Decoration) Ellen Swift addresses the function of  jewellery in the Roman Era. She describes jewellery, especially precious metal jewellery as being regarded as the female equivalent of the male symbols of office,  an important element in manifesting a women's feminine, elite status.

Assassins Creed Origins: Cleopatra
Her jewellery symbolised her identity as Egyptian Queen and the belief that she was the embodiment of the Goddess Isis

 Gold as we know it, is a timeless extremely precious material,  as it doesn't degraded or oxidize over time, it's a perfect conduct of electricity and it's the best reflector of red light as it is currently being used on the latest NASA space telescope.

Details on Hairnet, Small Pendant.
Swift explains that, "A high status for females as well as males, was partly constructed through materials like precious and semi precious metals and stones.

Elite status could be amplified or represented through the use of intricate decorative pattern and labour-intensive, highly skilled decorative techniques."


Monday 15 April 2019

Why Art Thrives at Burning Man

One can always be a Unicorn.
In her TED talk, Nora Atkinson explains Why art thrives at Burning Man.

There has been 30 years of Burning Man, with it's  origins in early anarchist years. Atkinson describes it today as an experiment in collective dreaming.  Every year around August thousands of people for a single week power down their tech and pilgrimage out into the Black Rock, Nevada Desert.

Participants at Burning Man, i guess the theme is simply, expression.

Their purpose?

To build and anti-consumerist society outside the bounds of their everyday lives.
The entire encampment of Burning Man can be thought of as one giant interactive art installation driven by the participation of everyone in it.

What set it aside from commercial art work is that anyone who makes work can show it.

None are sold there. At the end of the week if the works aren't burned, artists have to cart them back out and store them. It's a labour of love.

Created by Alexander Milov 2015, signifying external conflict and internal need

Burning Man 2018

It's about redefining arts value by the emotional connection it creates between the artist and the audience, or the benefits it gives our society, or the fulfillment it gives the artist themselves.

These are also the questions that contemporary jewellery asks, The VGCJ explains contemporary jewellery as that," which can be described as contemporary not merely because of its recent date, but because of its engagement with a diverse range of contemporary social, environmental, technical or artistic trends."

Any piece of jewellery we create is contemporary because it is made today and it can fall within one or more of these terms, it's not something that is exact, like everything in the universe it can flow together.
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.